Travel Forward

It’s National Travel & Tourism Week! This year’s theme is #TravelForward, a celebration of the travel industry and its essential role in catalyzing economic growth, creating jobs, inspiring innovation, and uniting communities. 

why is travel important?

The travel industry’s economic impact is undeniable, yielding $2.6 trillion in economic impact and supporting $15 million American jobs in 2022. Travel spending also helps fund essential public services, generating $160 billion in federal, state, and local taxes in 2022 (U.S. Travel Association).  

Travel fuels every industry in every community. From agriculture and manufacturing to finance and healthcare, industries across America rely on travel to drive growth, education, training, and operations forward. It also fosters innovation, with our tourism and hospitality businesses collaborating to create more sustainable, efficient, and creative solutions to travel-related issues that bubble over into our day-to-day lives. 

When we travel, we also learn more about ourselves and the people around us. Travel plays an essential role in celebrating diversity, discovering new cultures, cultivating connections to our communities and the environment, and improving personal well-being.  

Economic Recovery

Our industry continues to recover from the economic volatility, supply chain shortages, and unemployment caused by the pandemic. Adjusted for inflation, domestic leisure travel had rebounded back to 2019 levels. However, there is still room for growth, with domestic business travel and international inbound visitations recovering to 74% and 64% of 2019 levels, respectively (US Travel Association). 

Strengthening the value of travel has never been more important. Before the pandemic, travel was our nation’s #1 services export and generated a significant trade surplus (US Travel Association). When we move #TravelForward, we also move our communities and our nation forward toward economic recovery. 

Planning Your Next Visit To Our Area

From road trips and romantic weekend getaways to conferences and workations, we’re here to help you #TravelForward and plan your next visit to our area. As you begin planning for vacation, let the following suggestions guide your trip, and contact us for more advice, information, and assistance. 

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Plan ahead, in advance. Limit unnecessary stops and let us help you plan your visit.

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