We’re ready for spring and our tourism and hospitality businesses look forward to sharing their space, safely.
They welcome guests with safety protocols in place and we ask that you please email us with any questions. Our eateries, venues, coffee shops, galleries, and other places to explore, are ready to greet you.
The CVB is a Count On Me NC-certified organization.
Email us for information and find safety protocols for each of our listings on our website so you can see the specifics each business is following.

A few safety protocols that our sites have incorporated:
- Face coverings required of all guests and available if you do not have one.
- Hand sanitation stations throughout the space.
- QR codes for ordering, to limit contact.
- Contactless check-in for inns.
- Temperature checks and screenings required for employees.
- Common areas sanitized frequently during hours of operation and thoroughly at closing each day.