Improv Theatre at The Plant
June 27, 2029 @ 6:00 pm - 7:30 pm
The Plant hosts Improv Theatre every fourth Wednesday, 6pm-7:30pm. Enjoy some spontaneous fun together as this trio of improvisers creates a show for you in real-time based on your suggestions! Featuring Dan Sipp, Jane Allen Wilson, and Anoo Tree Brod, each actor, teacher, and facilitator of community improv workshops who delight in sharing the improv muse with one and all! All are welcome to this mid-week treat of spontaneity and play, with Jane’s Improv-a-rama. Anoo Tree Brod, Dan Sipp, and Jane Allen Wilson are each former members of Transactors Improv Company (now called Actors Improv Company), the South’s longest-running improv company, whose roots are in Chatham. They have each branched into their own improv directions and companies and are thrilled to reunite in Pittsboro to share this dynamic art form with the Plant community!