Silk Hope Farm Heritage Park


Plan your wedding, corporate retreat, or other meeting at this site, which offers an excellent place for a pastoral escape with all the conveniences of access to conduct business. Three separate meeting areas: conference room, capacity of 33; boardroom, capacity of 12; main hall, capacity of 211.

There is also a fully equipped kitchen with ice maker and refrigerator available to use with your room rental or as a stand alone rental. Chairs and tables are also provided along with your room rental.

The Silk Hope Farm Heritage Park is a meeting facility in Silk Hope. It is also the site for major annual events, including the longest-running festival in Chatham County, Old-Fashioned Farmers’ Days. On-site is an outstanding collection of antique farm equipment, old farm buildings, and steam-related equipment brought to the Farm Heritage Park over the last 39 years by the Silk Hope Ruritan Club.

  • Three separate meeting areas:
  • Community Room, capacity or 33
  • Boardroom, capacity of 12
  • Main Hall, a capacity of 211
  • There is also a fully-equipped kitchen with ice maker and refrigerator available to use with your room rental or as a stand-alone rental. Chairs and tables are also provided along with your room rental.
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