Chatham Teacher Work Day Sewing
Checkered Tulip Hillsboro Street, PittsboroAt Chatham Teacher Work Day Sewing, your child will learn to sew on a real machine, design their own project, and walk away with a project they made themselves! Bring your...
Bake Give Away for Charity
Chatham Grove Community Center 1301 Andrews Store Road, PittsboroThe Children's Culinary Institute, led by Chef Arlena, and in partnership with Chatham County Parks & Recreation, presents a Bake Give Away for Charity on Mon, Apr 21. Every student involved in...
Camp Royall Classic Golf Tournament
Governors Club Golf Course 11000 Governors Drive, Chapel HillJoin Governors Club for the Camp Royall Classic Golf Tournament on Mon, Apr 21, 10am-5pm. Proceeds from the tournament will send individuals with autism to the Autism Society of North Carolina's Camp Royall, the...
Tap Dancing – Beginners
Chatham Grove Community Center 1301 Andrews Store Road, PittsboroNo experience is required for Tap Dancing - Beginners - just a desire to have fun and be part of a growing community of tappers in Chatham County. Tap dancing can:...
Bake Give Away for Charity
Chatham Grove Community Center 1301 Andrews Store Road, PittsboroThe Children's Culinary Institute, led by Chef Arlena, and in partnership with Chatham County Parks & Recreation, presents a Bake Give Away for Charity on Mon, Apr 21. Every student involved in...
Tap Dancing – Advanced
Chatham Grove Community Center 1301 Andrews Store Road, PittsboroTap Dancing - Advanced is for experienced tappers who are skilled at named steps and can perform intricate choreography. This class occurs every Monday, Apr 14-May 19, 1pm-2pm. Registration opens Mon, Dec...
Bake Give Away for Charity
Chatham Grove Community Center 1301 Andrews Store Road, PittsboroThe Children's Culinary Institute, led by Chef Arlena, and in partnership with Chatham County Parks & Recreation, presents a Bake Give Away for Charity on Mon, Apr 21. Every student involved in...
Dance: Little Learners 1
Chatham Grove Community Center 1301 Andrews Store Road, PittsboroDance: Little Learners 1 combines the elements of creative movement, ballet, and tumbling into one fun and exciting class. Students will learn basic floor tumbling techniques, coordination, strength, flexibility, and rhythm...
Dance: Little Learners 2
Chatham Grove Community Center 1301 Andrews Store Road, PittsboroDance: Little Learners 2 combines the elements of creative movement, ballet, and tumbling into one fun and exciting class. Students will learn basic floor tumbling techniques, coordination, strength, flexibility, and rhythm...
Euchre Mondays at bmc
bmc brewing PittsboroJoin a fantastic group of Euchre enthusiasts every Monday, 6pm-8pm for Euchre Mondays. No experience is needed. Monday is also $5 pint night at bmc brewing. See all events at The Plant. Part of the Chatham...
Pour House Trivia at Havoc
Havoc Brewing Company 39 West Street, PittsboroHavoc Brewing Company presents Pour House Trivia every Monday, 7pm-9pm - now in a fun, more interactive trivia format! Win great prizes and enjoy craft beer with friends. Themes are announced on...