
Event Series Events at The Plant

Pittsboro Farmers Market

The Plant 220 Lorax Lane, Pittsboro

Pittsboro Farmers Market is open year-round with select items from within a 50-mile radius of the market. They are open Thu, 3pm-6pm under the solar panels at The Plant. The...

Event Series Events at The Plant

Irish Night at Fair Game

The Plant 220 Lorax Lane, Pittsboro

Fair Game Beverage Company hosts an Irish Night on the third Thursday of every month, 5:30pm-8:30pm, featuring traditional Irish tunes from Halfway There Players. This F R E E event takes place indoors. The...

Event Series Events at Checkered Tulip

Dress Making Class

Checkered Tulip Hillsboro Street, Pittsboro

Join Checkered Tulip for a three-part Dress Making Class. Please contact Checkered Tulip for class details at Classes are held on the following dates: Thu, Apr 3, 6pm-8:30pm.  Thu,...

Event Series Events at Doherty’s

Acoustic Irish Music Seisiún

Doherty's Irish Pub and Restaurant Sanford Road, Pittsboro

Join Doherty's Irish Pub & Restaurant for an Acoustic Irish Music Seisiún on the third Thursday of every month, 6pm-9pm. Whether you're just beginning your music journey, a seasoned pro, or just...

Event Series Davenport’s Cafe Diem Events

WTF Game Nights

Davenport's Cafe Diem 439 Hillsboro Street, Pittsboro

Join Davenport's Cafe Diem every First and Third Thursday, 6pm-11pm for WTF Game Nights. Bring one of your own games or use one of theirs - everything from Monopoly to Magic: The Gather...

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