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Tobacco Road Marathon

American Tobacco Trail 1305 White Oak Church Road, 1029 Pittard Sears Road, Apex, Durham

The Tobacco Road Marathon and Half-Marathon feature over 20 miles of the American Tobacco Trail (including 4 miles of Chatham County, NC). Up to twenty percent of their runners qualify...

Event Series Events at Thirsty Skull PBO

Balance and Brews

Thirsty Skull Brewing - Pittsboro 684 West Street, Pittsboro

Come to Thirsty Skull Brewing - Pittsboro for Balance and Brews on Sun, Mar 16, 11am-12pm. Enjoy their beautiful Biergarten with a relaxing Vinyasa yoga workout. The cost is $20 per...

Event Series Events at RMBC

Irish Music at Red Moose

Red Moose Brewing Company 90 East St, Pittsboro

Red Moose Brewing Company hosts Live Irish Music every Third Sunday, 4pm-6pm*. Come on out to listen and dance as the gang of local Irish Musicians cranks out some traditional Irish...

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