
Event Series Events at The Plant

Pittsboro Farmers Market

The Plant 220 Lorax Lane, Pittsboro

Pittsboro Farmers Market is open year-round with select items from within a 50-mile radius of the market. They are open Thu, 3pm-6pm under the solar panels at The Plant. The...

Zumba With Rose

Chatham Grove Community Center 1301 Andrews Store Road, Pittsboro

Join a talented instructor for Zumba With Rose on Thursdays, Feb 20-Mar 27, 5:45pm-6:35pm at Chatham Grove Community Center. Zumba is an interval-style dance fitness party that combines low-intensity and high-intensity moves....

Event Series Events at The Plant

La Conversación

The Plant 220 Lorax Lane, Pittsboro

Join The Plant, Fair Game Beverage Company, and bmc brewing for La Conversación every 2nd and 4th Thursday, 6pm-7pm. They are launching this free outreach initiative to bridge the language barrier...

Event Series Events at The Plant

Acoustic Jam

bmc brewing Pittsboro

On the second and fourth Thursdays of every month, 6:30pm-8:30pm, bmc brewing hosts an Acoustic Jam. Get together with others and join an awesome acoustic jam. Bring your stringed instruments,...

Wine Dinner: Authentique Vin

Fearrington House Restaurant 230 Market Street, Pittsboro

Reserve your spot for Fearrington's Authentique Vin Wine Dinner on Thu, Mar 13, 6:30pm-9pm. Fearrington House Restaurant proudly welcomes French importer Thomas Meunier, owner of Authentique Vin. Many in the area will know...

Event Series Events at RMBC

Karaoke at Red Moose

Red Moose Brewing Company 90 East St, Pittsboro

Join Red Moose Brewing Company and JV Jams for Open Mic Karaoke every second and fourth Thursday, 7pm-9pm. Sing your favorite songs while sipping great craft beer! Part of the Chatham...

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