Chatham Mills Farmers Market
Chatham Mills 480 Hillsboro Street, PittsboroChatham Mills Farmers Market takes place every Sat, Apr-Oct, 8am-12pm and Nov-Jan, 10am-1pm. It's a growers-only market featuring fresh veggies, fruits, meats, eggs, baked goods, preserved foods, perennial plants and garden...
Intermediate Home Mead Making
The Plant 220 Lorax Lane, PittsboroIn Intermediate Home Mead Making, you'll learn about metheglins, or, mead with herbs or spices. Does it make a difference if you add the herbs in the primary, secondary, or...
Goldston Main Street Cruise In
Calico Quilt Antiques 434 Bellevue Street, GoldstonEnjoy local restaurants and shops while you meet and talk with other car people at Calico Quilt Antique's Monthly Main Street Cruise In. Park anywhere on Bellevue Street in Goldston,...
Carolina Brewery Summer Music Series
Carolina Brewery & Grill 120 Lowes Dr, Ste 100, Pittsboro, NC 27312Take in live music from local musicians on the patio at Carolina Brewery and Grill during their Summer Music Series. Hosted Saturdays, August-September, 5:30pm-8pm. See specific dates and performers listed...