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Event Series Events at FireClay Cellars

Yoga and Wine at FireClay

FireClay Cellars 1276 Bowers Store Rd, Siler City

Join FireClay Cellars and instructor Liz Lahti for Yoga and Wine on Sun, Feb 23, 2pm-3pm. Relax and unWINEd with an hour of gentle yoga, followed by the chance to savor a complimentary...

Event Series Events at The Plant

Live Music at The Plant

The Plant 220 Lorax Lane, Pittsboro

The Plant hosts occasional live music multiple days per week. There is no cover for music, but tips for the musicians are encouraged. Most events are rain or shine; if...

Event Series Events at The Plant

Pigs and Pearls

The Plant 220 Lorax Lane, Pittsboro

Join Lilly Den Farm, JDub's PoBoys, and Postal Fish Company for the third annual Pigs and Pearls Sun, Feb 23, 2pm-5pm at The Plant. Celebrate North Carolina's finest oysters paired with a...